Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015

Pandu Logistics Meraih Penghargaan Frost & Sullivan Indonesia Excellence Awards 2015

Kamis, 1 Oktober 2015, bertempat di Hotel Shangri-La Jakarta, Frost & Sullivan dalam acara Indonesia Excellence Awards 2015 memberikan penghargaan tertinggi kepada perusahaan-perusahaan terbaik di Indonesia yang telah membuktikan keunggulan dalam menjalankan industrinya selama ini. 

Perusahaan-perusahaan terpilih dievaluasi berdasarkan indikator performa pasar, termasuk pertumbuhan pendapatan, pangsa pasar, dan pertumbuhan pangsa pasar, kepemimpinan dalam inovasi produk, strategi marketing, dan pengembangan bisnis.

Dalam acara penganugerahan Indonesia Excellence Awards 2015 ini, Pandu Logistics berhasil meraih Penghargaan “Emerging Logistics Service Provider of the Year 2015”. 

Direktur Frost & Sullivan Indonesia, Spike Choo, mengatakan Indonesia Exellence Awards selama delapan tahun sudah mengidentifikasi dan memberikan penghargaan perusahan-perusahaan terbaik di kelasnya, sekaligus yang sudah mendemonstrasikan keunggulan di industrinya. "Kami telah melihat kinerja luar biasa oleh firma-firma Indonesia dalam mendorong pertumbuhan secara lokal dan regional. Kami senang dapat berbagi dan menunjukkan perusahaan-perusahaan terbaik Indonesia di bidangnya masing-masing”.

Choo berharap, penghargaan ini akan menjadi sebuah inspirasi dan sumber dorongan bagi perusahaan-perusahaan Indonesia untuk terus berjuang keras untuk membangun dan mengembangkan bisnis mereka. 

Berikut, daftar penerima penghargaan Frost & Sullivan Indonesia Excellence Awards 2015:

Sektor Industri Transportasi dan Logistik:
Emerging Logistics Service Provider of the Year: Pandu Logistics
Domestic Road Transportation Service Provider of the Year: PT Siba Surya
Project Logistics Service Provider of the Year: Aditya Aryaprawira Corp
Warehouse Service Provider of the Year: PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (Persero)
Logistics Facilities Developer of the Year: Mega Manunggal Property
Air Cargo Service Provider of the Year: Garuda Indonesia Cargo
Domestic Shipping Liner of the Year: Meratus Line
Domestic Logistics Service Provider of the Year: CKB Logistics
Domestic Express Service Provider of the Year: PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir

Sektor Industri Makanan: 
Seafood Company of the Year: PT Kelola Mina Laut (KML)
Meat Processing Company of the Year: Japfa Ltd
Functional Beverages New Product Innovation Leadership Award: PT Kalbe Farma TbK
Food Processing Equipment Company of the Year: PT Ramesia Mesin Indonesia

Sektor Industri Air: 
Bottled Water Company of the Year: Danone Waters Indonesia
Water Filtration Price/Performance Value Leadership Award: Nazava Water Filters
Water Technology Company of the Year: Veolia Water Technologies Building

Sektor Industri Bangunan: 
Excellence in Growth-Facilities Management: PT ISS Indonesia 
Facilities Management Company of the Year: Colliers International
Property Development Competitive Strategy Innovation and Leadership Award: PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk
Property Development Customer Value Leadership Award: PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk
Excellence in Growth-Property Development: PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk
Property Developer of the Year: PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk
Sektor Industri Energi: 
Biomass Entrepreneurial Company of the Year: PT Charta Putra Indonesia (Clean Power Indonesia)
Digital Transformers Company of the Year: PT Trafoindo Prima Perkasa

Sektor Industri Pelayanan Kesehatan:
Healthcare IT Company of the Year: Admedika
Contract Research Organization of the Year: Prodia The Cro
Telehealth Company of the Year: PT Philips Indonesia 
Diagnostic Services Company of the Year: Prodia
Private Healthcare Insurance Company of the Year: PT Prudential Life Assurance
Health & Fitness Company of the Year: Celebrity Fitness
Corporate Social Responsibility Company of the Year in Diabetes Care: PT Novo Nordisk Indonesia
Corporate Social Responsibility Company of the Year in Oncology Care: Roche
Excellence in Growth-Pharmaceutical Industry: Dexa Medica
Pharmaceutical Company of the Year: PT Kalbe Farma TbK
Excellence in Growth-Hospitals: PT Mitra Keluarga Karyasehat Tbk
Hospital of the Year: Siloam Hospitals

Sektor Industri Teknologi Komunikasi dan Informasi
Unified Communications System Integrator of the Year: PT Phintraco Technology
Unified Communications Vendor of the Year: Avaya
Contact Center System Integrator of the Year: PT Halik Selindo Alpha
Contact Center Applications Vendor of the Year: Avaya
Contact Center Outsourcing Service Provider of the Year: Infomedia Nusantara
Managed Services Innovation Award: telkomtelstra
Data Center Service Provider of the Year: PT Sigma Cipta Caraka (Telkomsigma)
Telco Cloud Service Provider of the Year: PT Sigma Cipta Caraka (Telkomsigma)
Data Communications Service Provider of the Year: PT Indosat Tbk
Digital Services Provider of the Year: XL Axiata
m-Money Service Provider of the Year: PT Telekomunikasi Selular For Tcash
Most Promising Service Provider of the Year: Internux
Fixed Broadband Service Provider of the Year: PT Link Net Tbk
Mobile Data Service Provider of the Year: PT Telekomunikasi Selular
Mobile Service Provider of the Year: PT Telekomunikasi Selular
Telecom Service Provider of the Year: PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk 

Sumber : Suara News